Note to self?
Aside from my somehow throwing a laundry hanger into my friends sealing fan - nothing happened :D - there was a lot of other stuff going down at last nights Swedish theme party with all my Swedish and international friends. We continued at our penthouse after leaving the terrace behind. This was definitely one of the better, if crazier, party nights here on exchange! Another fun thing: Aside from the prepared Resorb (fluid replacement), I found a note next to my bed and have been spending the last hour trying to decifer it. I always find new, good music everywhere I go and I usually add it to my phone. Yesterday all I had to write it down was my mascara (?) it seems... Update: Turns out I meant the song Fallskärm by Timbuktu, hahaha!

Hahaha, så kan det gå ;) Shots eller? :D
Mimi Lou